Saturday, July 11, 2009

Llamas, Emus, and Swimming at Grandma's

What a fun couple of months we have had. Gracie finally said "I love you". Of course, anyone other than family would hear "I emu" but we know what she means. The feeling that you get when you hear it for the first time is indescribable. I emu too, Gracie.

Grace is still receiving books from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library once a month. Anyone who has not heard of this wonderful program should definitely check it out. (I have placed a link at the bottom of this post) The look on my baby's face when she gets a new book is priceless. The last book she received was "Llama Llama Red Pajama" and I read it to her on a daily basis now. She runs around the house calling me llama mama and laughing at her own little joke.

Gracie loved swimming at Grandma's house so much that we decided to try and bring her to the new public pool in town. We told her that this pool had slides, fountains, and other kids to play with. She seemed so excited, I was becoming very optimistic about our adventure. We got to the pool and Grace dragged us to the pool all while screaming and laughing with delight. She did not want to go near the fountains and the various "spray things" so instead I carried her into the deeper end of the pool where it was a bit more calm. I am not sure what she didn't like about it. She was so ecstatic when we got there, but all of that went away when we got in. She was terrified. We spent the rest of our day walking around watching the other kids play. She especially liked watching the big kids on the diving boards.
Today as I was flipping through the channels Grace squealed when she saw the USA Swimming National Championships/World Championship Trials. I paused to see what she was so excited about and she climbed up on the couch with me and we sat and watched as numerous records were broken. Grace cheered all of them on screaming "Go, go, go" and "Look at 'em swim". Natalie Coughlin watch out, my baby has the ambition already.

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