Monday, March 16, 2009

We're Baaaack!

Yay! We are back and with a few new pics to boot! The super charged time has flown right passed me and unfortunately I do not have much to show for it.

I do, however, have a picture of our trip to the butterfly house. Gracie had a blast and I would have gotten many great pictures. If only I wasn't in such a hurry and forgot to swap the battery on the camera. This is the lone survivor of the 20 or so photos I snapped before the battery died.

Next, we have a picture of Gracie playing with her airplane. Apparently, in her world, ice cream cones can pilot an aircraft.

And last but certainly not least, we have the evidence of the most horrifying experience I have been through since becoming a mother. A moment that, as soon as she was mobile, I new would come in only a matter of time. Grace was watching Dora (all the while singing and dancing along) she stumbled and hit her eye on the coffee table. (Grace may not have been a fitting name, as she is about as clumsy as her mother) We had to bring her in to Acute Care where the doctor was glad to report that the cut was clean and even and would not require stitches. They glued the cut together and about 4 days later the glue fell off and the cut is healing very well. She does have quite the shiner though, huh?

This experience gave me a whole new appreciation for my daughter's strength. That night when we got home, I was getting her ready for bed and the only thing she wanted to do was resume where she left off before the incident.

The girl is a trooper, that's for sure...Stay tuned to see what she will get into next!